Detoxify Your Body – My Secret Juicing Recipe


After the Thanksgiving holiday, I believe some of you feel a lot of meat/turkey in your stomach.

Now, it’s time to get rid of all the “trashes” from your body. Let’s DETOX!

What is Detox?

  • Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralize, transform or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins.
  • (Source:

There are multiple ways to detoxify your body.

  • For example: you can drink two quarts of water a day
  • You can sweat more by doing more exercise
  • You can take more Vitamin C to drive away toxins ect.
  • (Source from:

Today, I am going to share my favorite way to Detox – Juicing!

Why I choose Juicing?

  • Tasted Good (I love nature juice)
  • Easy to Make
  • It Works Very Well

Are you ready for my secret Juicing Recipe?

Let’s go!


Yes, first of all, we need a juicer!

I got my juicer (above) around $90 on amazon last year, it still works very well now after one year and an half use. I give 4.5 stars for this brand and this specific juicer that I have.

Just for more info, if you are interested in getting one Breville Juicer, check it out here:


Recipe: (for 2 people)

  • 4 celeries
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 asian pear


  • Wash them
  • Cut the apple and asian pear into pieces
  • That’s it! Ready to make some healthy yummy juice!



You can add some honey if you like something sweeter.

The reason I choose these fruits/veggies is because they contain a lot of water inside. I don’t recommend you to use banana, orange, grapefruits etc for juicing because those fruits are not that watery. (But for smoothies, these fruits work very well)

Many people don’t like the celery taste, but for this recipe, you can barely taste the celery because the flavor of apple juice and asian pear juice have covered the celery flavor.

I hope you will enjoy this juicing recipe and have a great detoxification after your holiday!



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